Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cricut Saturday!

Ok.. so technically its Sunday, but I have had the worst day... We ran out of oil and no one could come out and fill the tank. After not being able to find someone I did some research and found that I could put some diesel and that should hold me over until Monday.  Well enough, I make 2 trips and get 10 gallons of diesel and thought everything was going to be fine... NOOOOO. NOTHING WORKED!  I pressed the reset on everything and still nothing worked.  I found out that the furnace needed to be bled. Oh Really, Bled!!!  What the heck is that?  YouTube to the rescue!  I watched a couple of videos on how to do just that and was delighted to find out that it wasn't as hard as I thought and it could be done.  Well, I get my son and off we go down to the basement knowing what to do armed with YouTube knowledge sure that this will take just a few minutes and we will be warm again.
Well, no one told us that not all furnaces were made the same that the the bleed valve wasn't going to look the same on my furnace as the one in the video... and then when we figured out which one was the darn valve it was seized on there and would not move.  SIGH.... Now what you have to understand is that I live in a 110 year old house and the furnace although not original equipment ... it is darn close!
I started to get a little frazzled and my son took over and with a cooler head was able to figure it all out and got me back into a warm house, Thank You Brendon!

Now that that is over, onto Cricut Saturday!

There is much discussion going on over at the message boards. It was place on the board by and Administrator that there was going to be a major announcement at CHA later this month. The thought is that there will be a new Expression with a touch screen AND that the Gypsy will built in! Now, I just want to be sure that you all understand that this is rumor and that there is nothing to confirm this coming from Provo Craft. But, what fun if that is the case!

Speaking of CHA, is anyone going? I can't it is across the country. There is a site for you can go to to get some info on the companies that will be presenting its HERE.  

Other News from about Cricut... 2 promised cartridges are not being produced according to a blog that I follow "Just  a Scrappin'"  Here . I don't know why they are not coming out with them but I for one am disappointed. I was looking forward to the European Decor cartridge. 

6 new Cuttlebug folders were announced on HSN. 3 are A2 $4x6) size and 3 are the larger 5x7 size. These folders are geared towards Valentine's Day.  The names of the folders are: 
Romance - A2
Chandelier - A2
Queen of Hearts - A2 (this one is really nice!)
Conversations - 5x7 (the folder is covered with conversation hearts... another cute one!)
Emily's Bouquet - 5x7
Medawlark - 5x7

These are not even listed on, I just checked!!! To see them go HERE . They are 24.95 plus shipping.  

Thank you for indulging me with my earlier rant and I hope you enjoyed today post.

Please leave a comment... See you on Monday for something new!

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